U.F.O.Sightings - Northern Territory.

025 15 Jan 1954 Alice Springs NT Photo

A person was taking pictures of Mount Gillen when suddenly an enormous round object appeared from behind it. It went high, then dropped low. A picture was taken, and then suddenly it gained speed and shot off at high speed to the west. (UFOSH p96.)

060 24 Dec 1963 Darwin NT Photo

A photograph was included in the RAAF summary of reports. No other details given.

163 22 Feb 1970 Alice Springs NT NL 1744hrs

An aircraft crew sighted a bright white light on the ground about sixty five nautical miles south-south-west of Alice Springs. The RAAF concluded it was a natural gas burn off at Palm Valley. (RAAF annual sightings summary 1970.)

270 29 Dec 1974 Alice Springs NT Photo Early Morning

A single colour photograph was taken using an instamatic camera, of a bush scene. Upon developing, two objects were noted on the film which were not seen by the photographer. Ground Saucer Watch Inc in the USA using computer enhancement techniques concluded that the objects were in facts birds. (UFORSA.)

301 1976 Elliott NT CE4

An old man is said to have been abducted after a bright object landed near him. Beings alighted and took him aboard. He said they asked him questions about life on Earth and our activities, before they returned him, unharmed to the pick up point. (1. UFO Research NSW. 2. Pony Godic 1989.)

353 9 Dec 1977 Kununurra NT DD 1730hrs

Mr Lindsay McKenzie-Smith and his wife were flying in a Cessna 206 at 1675m, when they saw an object approaching, below their height. It passed below them and disappeared behind them. It was oval in shape, appeared metallic and seemed to be 9m long by 2-3m wide and probably 1m thick. It had well defined edges and a dull surface. The object flew sideways just like an aircraft wing. (UFORFNQ.)

408 1983 Darwin NT CE3/IFO

Simon, sixteen, reported a series of events which included a night time close encounter, a number of dreams and also observations of entities about the house. An investigation revealed a possible psychological explanation for the events. (Keith Basterfield and Pony Godic.)

Copyright © 1996 remains with the Researcher / 's named to be associated with each report.

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